Wednesday, 22 February 2012

fujifilm research - Tony Howell

Tony Howell is one of England's finest landscape photographers. He has over 30 years experience, and is based in Somerset, near Bristol. His style is recognisable with simple, uncluttered compositions and a sense of peace and stillness borne from a deep love of the natural world. 

Tony Howell's photographs have been used in countless books, calendars, magazines, on BBC TV, in a Hollywood Movie, billboards, brochures, catalogues, greeting cards, posters, postcards, websites, national newspapers, fleets of vans and much more.

He has done work for, National Geographic, The BBC, Christies, Royal Mail, The Tate, The National Trust, Penguin Books, Unicef, The Forestry Commission, and many more.

i like these images of Howell's as i like how he has concentrated on the colours and lines within the image. For my final images i hope to produce some abstract images similar to this however i hope to create a feeling of uncertainty when you look at the image, to try and make the viewer think 'what actually is that?'

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